The task
Faster data merge of thousands of records into one resulting PDF file.
The solution
MyDataMerge can split up the merge in single InDesign files, combine them into a book file and export a PDF from there. This is a lot faster than merging into one file directly.
How to
Merging large amounts of records into ONE big file in Adobe® InDesign® can be really time consuming, error prone and a challenge. The merge process of InDesign creates the merged document in the background and – therefore – renders it in memory. The larger this document gets, the more memory it consumes (up to gigabytes) and the slower the process becomes.
Lets put up an example:
You have a layout document with two pages and a data source with 2000 records. You want to have them in one document because you have a pagination in it that should count from 1 to 4000 (remember: 2000 records x 2 pages). With the standard merge you could do that, but it will take forever or quit or get stuck in the middle of the road without any committed reason.
Doing a split merge (e.g. 500 records per merge) will speed the things up (less memory consumption) but you would need to start a merge 4 times and then manually merge the document which takes also forever for 1000 pages (500 records x 2 pages) for each document. In addition, this approach would not keep track of continous pagination. Not the idea of automation, isn’t it?
MyDataMerge allows you – by default – to split documents in ONE run and automatically merge them into a book file which keeps up paginations. This will also take its time. But its the most effective you can get out of InDesigns data merge and it’s a start and forget until it’s done. And if you need to export to one PDF file at the end, MyDataMerge will do that for you, too.
1. Setup your project
Setup all placeholders so they are marked as valid for export (green check mark). If you need help on setting these up check out our Knowledge Base: MyDataMerge placeholders
2. Export settings
Depending on the filetype you need at the end you have to choose different settings in the export section > filetype:
Adobe InDesign® book only
- Choose “Adobe InDesign®” in the dropdown
- Choose “Custom records per document” and enter a number of records to be processed per document – check the overview on the left and make sure you set a value that doesn’t exceed 500 pages per document
- Check “Create Adobe InDesign® book from InDesign files”
PDF file with all records
- Choose “PDF” n the dropdown and setup the PDF preset
- Choose “Custom records per document” and enter a number of records to be processed per document – check the overview on the left and make sure you set a value that doesn’t exceed 500 pages per document (then it might get really slow). Less is also OK and will result in more single InDesign® files merged in book.
- Check “Keep Adobe InDesign® book from InDesign files”
- Check “Export target format from book only” -> This is optional, if you check it you will receive ONE PDF with all records. If you don’t check it, MyDataMerge will create PDFs for each InDesign document created.
Tags: data merge, InDesign