Version 1.8.2
- Fixed: UI Tweak: Issue with calculation in export view (no impact on merged files)
- Fixed: On showing the editor preview for the first time after app launch it wasn’t possible to click through the records
- Fixed: Newline character wasn’t applied properly inside Text QR-Code for “Merge all records in one document” mode
- Fixed: Visual glitches
- Fixed: “Setup additional data merge tags manually” function for multiple records per document didn’t work in some cases
- Fixed: QR-Codes in some configurations did not correctly apply custom object style if set
- Fixed: “Optimize QR-Codes for print” now correctly creates PDF QR-Codes if disabled (didn’t work in some cases)
- Fixed: QR-Code containing technical replacement strings like #LINEBREAK# in some cases – now correctly replaced by newline/linebreak
- Fixed: Black QR-Codes were placed without a safe space in rare cases
- Fixed: Preview of “Datasource entry” element showed technical replacement strings like #LINEBREAK# in some cases
- Fixed: “Individual records per documents” option was deactivated in rare cases
- Changed: Removed “Space (replace)” option in preferences > import > linebreak import Excel (was confusing)
- Improved: QR-Code generation (can now contain individually placed linebreaks by static text element)
- Improved: Translations in german
- Updated: Internal Help files