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Scripting (Javascript)

You can customize the merged results by using a custom script element.
Find some script samples here.

Basic rules for scripting:

  • You have to return a string. Returning anything else will be interpreted as undefined.
  • Strict mode is ON (
  • Asynchronous methods or setTimeout will not work or produce unpredictable results

Accessing the current data record from a script
Accessing the next data record from a script
Accessing the previous data record from a script
Accessing a specific data record from a script
Getting the current record number
Getting the highest available record number
Getting previous elements results as input
Throwing an error in MyDataMerge

Accessing the current data record from a script

 * currentRecord();
 * @return {Object} Object with the current data record. Each data entry is available via key.

// Example usage to get the "Last Name" field of the current record
var lastName;

// Always check for undefined
if (currentRecord() != undefined) {
    lastName = currentRecord()["Last Name"];

return lastName;

Accessing the next data record from a script

 * nextRecord();
 * @return {Object} Object with the next data record. Each data entry is available via key.

// Example usage to get the "Last Name" field of the next record
var lastName;

// Always check for undefined
if (nextRecord != undefined) {
    lastName = nextRecord()["Last Name"];

return lastName;

Accessing the previous data record from a script

 * prevRecord();
 * @return {Object} Object with the previous data record. Each data entry is available via key.

// Example usage to get the "Last Name" field of the next record
var lastName;

// Always check for undefined
if (prevRecord != undefined) {
    lastName = prevRecord()["Last Name"];

return lastName;

Accessing a specific data record from a script

 * record(Integer);
 * @param (Integer) the data record number - 1 is the first data record
 * @return {Object} Object with a specific data record. Each data entry is available via key.

// Example usage to get the "Last Name" field of record number 5
var lastName;

// Always check for undefined
if (record != undefined) {
    lastName = record(5)["Last Name"];

return lastName;

Getting the current record number

 * currentRecordNumber();
 * @return (Integer) The current record number.

// Example usage to get the current record number
var currentRecordNumber = currentRecordNumber();

return currentRecordNumber.toString();

Getting the highest available record number

 * maxRecordNumber();
 * @return (Integer) The max record number.

// Example usage to get the highest available record number
var maxRecordNumber = maxRecordNumber();

return maxRecordNumber.toString();

Getting previous elements results as input

 * input();
 * @return (String) The input of all elements before the script element.

 * Example scenario - You have 3 elements in your setup: 
 * 1. datasource element with "First Name" column selected + a space character --> "Max "
 * 2. datasource element with "Last Name" column selected --> "Masters"
 * 3. script element
 * 4. static text element "Some other text"
 * With this command you will get the string "Max Masters" to work with, but not "Some other text"
var input = input(); // --> "Max Masters"

return input;

Throwing an error in MyDataMerge

 * Throw an error in MyDataMerge by throwing an exception;
throw("Some error message");