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Static text

Static text lets you add some predefined text that will NOT change dynamically.

1. Text input

Enter the desired text, press return or „Add static text“ to save it.

2. Linebreak and soft linebreak

If you want to add a linebreak (equal to a return key press in Adobe® InDesign®), click the linebreak button. MyDataMerge will add the string „#LINEBREAK#“ to the text field that will be replaced with its equivalent after the merge process.

If you want to add a soft linebreak (equal to a shift+return key press in Adobe® InDesign®), hold the ALT key while clicking the button. MyDataMerge will add the string „#SOFTLINEBREAK#“ to the text field that will be replaced with its equivalent after the merge process.

If you need custom replacements, have a look at the GREP text actions
Note: Linebreaks (and other replacement tags) are not allowed within QR-Codes.