Where the journey leads
The roadmap is driven by our customers. Check the feature suggestions forum.

In development
- We’re currently optimizing major version 2.0
Will be implemented most likely
- Custom extendscript to directly access the merged document on process – so its possible to modify nearly everything
- Bulk print generated files
- Dynamic layout blocks (your database builds the layout with your custom defined blocks)
- Inline merge to table
- Merge to EPS files
- Add possibility to select individual record on preview
- Visually show different layout types in export section and link to easy to follow tutorials
- Repeater function to repeat text or images
Already implemented
- Automatic Excel column detection (1.6.7)
- Device Management (
- Sort placeholder list alphabetically ascending/descending or order it like in the datasource (1.6.1)
- Download images to use for data merge by provided URL (1.5.3)
- Connection to automator to post process generated files or modify/generate content (1.5.2)
- Create book file for splitted export (Custom records per document) and export from book (1.4.5)
- Multiple records per page (layout provided) – “Expert mode” to add placeholders completely free of grouping limitations (1.4)
- Search / Filter placeholder list (1.4)
- Merge JPG, PNG files (1.4)
- Colored QR-Codes (and change colors dynamically during a data merge) (1.3.2)
- Record sorting (1.2.1)
- Record filter (1.1.2)
- Merge to interactive PDF (1.0.14)
- Inline merge content so it flows in a story (1.0.1)
- Data merge hyperlinks (2.0)
Other ideas
- Drop a folder of images instead of a datasource to automatically create a datasource with image pathes for a merge
- Add support for multiple layouts so the user can choose by conditions which layout to use for merge
- Custom script as condition trigger