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  • #18402
    Pim van der Vossen


    Let me start with: I love your tool.

    But: I’m having some issues with the #Linebreak# functionality. It just comes up in my pdf as text… I really need this to work well.


    I already tried to detach it from other content in the ‘static text’-input field.


    Hope to hear from you soon,


    Thanks in advance, Pim

    Pim van der Vossen

    I honestly don’t know why. But after restarting the tool and loading the preset this problem was fixed.


    Hi Pim and welcome aboard,

    this is a bug we fixed a few versions ago. Maybe you activated auto update and it updated to 2.1 in the background?
    Glad it worked for you. If you might experience it again please let me know asap and we will inspect that!

    Regards Pat


    Official MyDataMerge Team

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