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    I would like to be able to set up a master page background of sorts that can be called for in by a datasource. I have a spreadsheet containing main manufactures and have specific brand guidelines to follow as far as layout and fonts go. Right now i would just have multiple template documents but i would love it i could combine them in to one document with multiple master pages and run it all together. That way i could run the entire batch overnight and just do all my fixups in the morning. This file can contain more than 10,000 records and making multiple passes means alot of waiting until one is finished moving to the next one starting it and waiting… Which is a bit more babysitting than i would like to do.

    If Data source contains HONDA use the HONDA masterpage element then populate the Variables contained in that Master Page with the data and export individual file.


    If Data source contains Subaru use the Subaru masterpage element then populate the Variables contained in that Master Page with the data and export individual file.


    and so on


    Hi rskinner and welcome to the support forum.

    1. Do the data fields itself change between (master) layouts or are they the same? Example: For Honda you have the same fields than for Subaru but another layout.
    2. Do you have all fields in one database or do you have different databases for different brands? Or do you have the possibility to split them by brand?



    Official MyDataMerge Team

    I could split them by brand but they do have identical information.
    My current idea is to have multiple InDesign templates and data files broken out by brand but if I could avoid needing to do that in the future it would be great.
    Ideally the Brand column in the data source would set the Master Page and first then everything else would be populated afterwards. I know this is a pretty big ask.
    I have this ability with-in a program I use called EasyCatalog but that puts everything in one file for me to figure out how to get individual PDFs out of. So that is even less ideal.

    Currently this does not work. However we have batch processing on our roadmap.
    Here is how you would do it today:

    • Prepare your layout for one brand e.g. Honda.
    • Create a new project in MyDataMerge
    • Drag & Drop your layout and FULL database
    • Setup all placeholders or use autolink feature
    • Setup export Options e.g. one document per record and setup individual filenames if needed
    • Go to export > extras > record filter and setup a filter so that only Honda records get processed
    • Save the project


    Now duplicate the project for every other brand and rename it e.g. Subaru

    • Open the Subaru project.
    • Replace the layout with Subaru layout by just drag and drop it – as long as it contains the same placeholders this will run flawlessly
    • Go to export > extras > record filter and setup a filter so that only Subaru records get processed

    Repeat the above steps for every brand. Then you will end up with

    • 1 project for every brand
    • 1 shared data source with all brands
    • 1 layout for every brand

    In future all you have to do is to load a project and run it. MyDataMerge will automatically recognize changes in layout and data source. Give it a try.

    The batch processing I mentioned will process multiple projects in a row. This keeps the layouts clean, the projects clean and the data source in one piece.

    Official MyDataMerge Team


    Next to the batch processing I will still take your idea to our developers.


    Regards John

    Official MyDataMerge Team


    Batch processing sounds like a great solution if i understand it correctly.

    InDesign File inputs






    Excel File Input

    One file that contains all info


    My Data Merge Properties

    Set up a field that grabs the correct .indd based on the Vehicle Manufactur column.

    Create individual files row by row based on that


    For sure sounds like a great solution for keeping it flexible as far as maintaining brand standards by honoring the text and color formats of each of the .indd files.



    Almost :)
    But you got the idea – we try to keep it as clean as possible and also not to force users to change the datasource.
    Did you try the solution proposed?


    Official MyDataMerge Team


    Perfectly honest… I am prospecting a solution to a design problem i don’t yet have. My data guys are still working on the file and I need to have something done before March 1st. I have only used the trial software so far and saw this as the only real limitation. I would like to have a better understanding on how it handles 5-10,000 individual files but at the moment i am happy with how it spit out 20 records. So… Off to create my templates… after i know what data we are showing.

    Tail wagging the dog i supposed but so far your solution to VDP seems the easiest to implement and a great value for a something we are doing in house maybe once a month. I love that my whole design team could be trained on this easily because of it being a native MacOS app and having a user interface that is pretty intuitive. Hoping it can handle spitting our around 5,000-10,000 individual PDFs without too much havoc. Our team has 0% experience with VDP. I was hoping to keep it pretty streamlined so that any one of them could pick up what is going to be a monthly sales report individualized per dealership.


    This is the nice thing about saved projects (MyDataMerge project files) what i mentioned above.

    You have one project for Subaru which includes the GLOBAL (onliest) datasource and the layout for Subaru. The project file itself is set up so that it only processes Subaru records. You need to setup a project only once. Then you open it and run it. That’s it. It will recognized an updated data source automatically.

    The batch processing we plan is the processing of multiple project files in a row.

    • Subaru project
    • Honda project
    • Whatever project

    All of them have their own layout and own setup due to the project file (which basically is the same except for the Brand filter) but share one global datasource.

    Handling of multiple thousands of records is the same than handling 20 records. It just takes longer. Memory management is optimized. MyDataMerge will scan all records before pocessing them to identify potential job-killers like missing fields and gives you the opportunity to add custom scenarios for different cases. So before you leave the office, press “Export” and make sure the mac doesn’t start sleep mode, installs updates at night […]  :D

    And it should be done.

    Official MyDataMerge Team


    We also help customers to set up projects. That means you may send us (maybe anonymized) data source and layout and we help you building a project. We also can do a websession by screen and me or one of my colleagues helps you setting it up right on your mac.

    Official MyDataMerge Team


    all of this sounds great! I am currently trying to asses when I can get a sample file so i can start understanding what kinds of info and layout needs i have. I will get back to you when i know more. Do you know if anyone has used the Chart Well font to dynamically create Charts and Graphs based on the data sources?


    Hi there,

    FF Chartwell works – although there are limitations which come from the font itself:

    • Most charts represent figures from 0-100. This is fine for percentile charts such as pie, rose, ring or radar charts, but limits the use of bar and line graphs;
    • While the font allows a pie graph to turn into a donut, be aware that the hole is made using a fill colour rather than being transparent;
    • The data in the charts must be integers (e.g. whole numbers, no fractions) and this means rounding results up or down accordingly. For percentile charts it is also important to make sure the total of figures in the data adds up to 100.

    If you have one placeholder like “<<graph>>” and MyDataMerge returns something like “a+10+20+30” this will produce a graph in ONE COLOR.

    If you need multicolored graphs you need to add a placeholder for each value: “a+<<value1>>+<<value2>>+<<value3>>” then you can color each placeholder differently. But that might end up in a really complex setups if you have like 10 graphs with 10 values each you have 100 placeholders to set up. MyDataMerge still can handle that.

    Official MyDataMerge Team


    I will close this post as feature suggestions are already made. For support on more specific topics like ff chartwell please open a thread in the support forum.



    Official MyDataMerge Team

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