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  • #19612
    Gina Visco

    Is this possible? Avery 5390 name badge sheet in landscape,  so badges are portrait. Normal data fields and 1 Image field.

    Page 1

    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8

    Page 2 (Image the Numbers are upside down, but in this order) So flip on the long edge

    5 6 7 8

    1 2 3 4

    The data and records are duplicated from page one to two, meaning it is not a unique field in the record. <<Name>> on page one is upside down <<Name>> on page 2. Basically the data is exactly the same on each page it’s the other graphics that change.

    I just downloaded the trial and this is my first test and so far I just can’t seem to get it.


    Hi Gina,

    thanks for getting in touch.

    Can this answer your question?



    Official MyDataMerge Team

    Gina Visco

    I have watched that video several times, but still can’t get it right. I feel like I am missing something. Page one merges beautifully – Records 1-8. Page 2 goes to Records 9-16 instead or a repeat of 1-8.


    Hi Gina,

    my apologies, i missed this thread and therefor my answer is quit late.

    You have a group in InDesign, that group represents the front side containing all placeholders necessary. Duplicate that group in the order you need the output, in your case 8 times. Start at top left.

    On the backside you have another group representing the backside of your element containing all placeholders (that are different to those from the front side). Duplicate that group too and arrange them in the order you want the output. So start at the bottom left.

    Once done, go to MyDataMerge > Export > Multiple Records and activate “MR with layout provided”. Then give it a try.



    Official MyDataMerge Team

    Gina Visco

    Thank Pat. I think I understand what you are saying. Where I *may* be running into trouble is the data (fields) from the front and back are the SAME. Is that ok? For example the .csv file has 4 fields. I need these 4 fields to appear on front and back in the appropriate position.

    Name, Title, Facility, @image

    So Record 1, 4 Fields placed in Position 1 on front AND on the Back in Position 1.

    Does that make sense?



    Hi Gina

    While your CSV can stay as it is, tweak your layout.
    Lets say you have a column “name” in your Csv.
    Then you place <> on the front part and <> (or whatever you like to name it) on the backside part. This is necessary as MyDataMerge would otherwise think the backside is a new record.

    Now in MyDataMerge you configure both <> and <> to receive content from your datasource column “name”, then jt will work out nicely. Setup app. 2 minutes


    Official MyDataMerge Team


    Any progress on this?

    Official MyDataMerge Team

    Gina Visco
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