Version 2.1.4

  • Dynamic file name checking strengthened – only filenames with characters in a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or minus and underscore are allowed to increase compatibility with both windows and macOS filesystems. Activate the “sanitize for web” setting in each element added to the filename setup to automate this
  • Improved error logging for dynamic filename setups
  • Improved generation of QR-Codes depending if “Optimize QR-Codes for print” option is on or off, see description below
  • Improved error messages for QR-Codes to provide better guidance

Optimize QR-Codes for print (option turned ON)

MyDataMerge will generate QR-Codes with separation layers.


  • Supports custom foreground and background color of the QR-Code by setting the color of the textframe background and the color of the text placeholder
  • Supports a minimum frame size of 26 pixels – Note: The ability to generate smaller QR-Codes does not mean every device can scan them. Please check your QR-Codes in any case before publishing them
  • QR-Codes can be edited within InDesign (if you merge to InDesign documents)
  • Faster than generating QR-Codes as images (Screen optimized QR-Codes)


  • Some PDF Readers have issues displaying them on screen (you have to activate separation layers in your reader), but they will render nicely once printed. That’s why we recommend this option to be only used for printing.

Optimize QR-Codes for Screen (option turned OFF)

MyDataMerge will generate QR-Codes as vector based PDFs.


  • Supports custom foreground and background color of the QR-Code by setting the color of the textframe background and the color of the text placeholder
  • QR-Codes are presented nicely on screen and print
  • QR-Codes can be used outside of InDesign as they are seperately stored as PDF files


  • QR-Codes cannot be edited within InDesign (if you merge to InDesign documents)
  • Slower than generating print-optimized QR-Codes
  • Cannot go smaller than an edge length of at least 73px