Your custom tutorial is ready!
Please follow these steps

1 Layout preparation & import

Add placeholders to your layout


  • The placeholder text must be located in a single text frame (not linked with any other)
  • The text frame must be a square (same height and width)
  • The placeholder text including tags must be the only content of the text frame (be careful with spaces)
  • You can choose any text you like (a-z, 0-9, _-)
  • If you want to use Autolink you can add # to identify the placeholder as QR-Code, e.g. <<#qrcode>>
  • For a black QR-Code you should choose a black font color

Note: For better performance also give the textframe a background color, even if it is the same then the underlying content. This allows MyDataMerge to choose a more efficient process of generating QR-Codes.

2 Export


With CSV selected in Export > Filetype, MyDataMerge will export a Adobe® Indesign®’s data merge compatible CSV file. Use this option if you don’t want to merge with MyDataMerge but want to use MyDataMerges ability to customise the data.

Please note: Both CSV options …

  • CSV (export only) – Exports a CSV file
  • CSV (export and link) – Exports a CSV file and links it with your data in InDesign so you can continue with the data merge there

… cannot handle MyDataMerge specific actions like:

  • Applying styles
  • Applying the last action if a setup fails
  • Applying GREP actions
  • Applying Hyperlinks
  • Use Automator workflows after export

If you need any of these please use MyDataMerge for merging your data.