1 Export
Export to Adobe InDesign® files
If you want to export to Adobe InDesign files go to export > filetype and select the preferred filetype from the dropdown.
Setup custom filenames
To configure dynamic file names go to Export > Filetype and make sure “One document per record” [1] is activated. Then a button “Filenames setup” [2] appears. Click it to configure your filenames.
If you click the “Filenames setup” button you can then select the filetype to setup custom naming. If you e. g. export to PDF files and keep a copy of your InDesign files you can define both the names for the PDF files and the InDesign files. Double click a row and enable it. Then you can configure it like a placeholder.
Filter records
Go to Export > Extras > Record filter and set up one or more filters to filter your submitted datasource. This will not change the datasource itself but provide a filtered datasource to the merge process. You can see how many records are removed in the overview on the left side, written in red.
Sort records
Go to Export > Extras > Record sorting and select the data column to sort records after. Currently theres no multi-sort possible. You may then also choose to sort the records ascending or descending. This will not change the datasource itself but provide a sorted datasource to the merge process.