1 Layout preparation & import
Add placeholders to your layout
Add text placeholder
- The placeholder text can be located in any text frame, along any other text
- You can choose any text you like (a-z, 0-9, _-)
Make sure that even the longest text from your datasource will have enough room in the text frame provided, or overset text will be produced.
2 MyDataMerge configuration
Editing text placeholders
Setup text placeholders
A text placeholder will inject text from various sources into your layout in the merge process.
These sources can be one or a combination of:
- Datasource content (Changes for each record)
- Static text (Always the same)
- Sequence (Different types of counting numbers)
- Automator workflow (for editing outside of MyDataMerge – learn more here)
- Custom (java-)script (learn more here)
To add an element, open the placeholder by double clicking it (or click the pen icon), then add an element by clicking the plus icon:
Add the element and the appropriate editor will open (e.g. datasource element):
Once you selected or entered the required data, the element becomes valid (green check)
Once every placeholder is valid, you are able to export.
- You can combine different elements here by adding them (plus icon above the eye icon) and drag & drop them up or down. The result will always be shown in the preview on the right.
- Additionally every element has some settings (gear icon) which will provide a wide range of tools to transform your data (e.g. strip whitespaces, add space before or after and so on)
3 Export
Export to Adobe InDesign® files
If you want to export to Adobe InDesign files go to export > filetype and select the preferred filetype from the dropdown.
Use a static filename with counting number
You can set a static filename in Export > Filetype > “Static filename” field.
With static filenames, every file will get the same name and a counting number will be attached. For example if you define static filename to be “mydatamerge” then files will be named like this:
- mydatamerge_1
- mydatamerge_2
- mydatamerge_3
- and so on
Please note that static filenames only allow a-z, 0-9, – and _ characters. Other characters will be removed or replaced.