Your custom tutorial is ready!
Please follow these steps

1 Layout preparation & import

Add placeholders to your layout


  • The placeholder text can be located in any text frame, along any other text
  • You can choose any text you like (a-z, 0-9, _-)

Make sure that even the longest text from your datasource will have enough room in the text frame provided, or overset text will be produced.

2 MyDataMerge configuration

Editing text placeholders

A text placeholder will inject text from various sources into your layout in the merge process.

These sources can be one or a combination of:

  • Datasource content (Changes for each record)
  • Static text (Always the same)
  • Sequence (Different types of counting numbers)
  • Automator workflow (for editing outside of MyDataMerge – learn more here)
  • Custom (java-)script (learn more here)

To add an element, open the placeholder by double clicking it (or click the pen icon), then add an element by clicking the plus icon:

Add the element and the appropriate editor will open (e.g. datasource element):

Once you selected or entered the required data, the element becomes valid (green check)

Once every placeholder is valid, you are able to export.


  • You can combine different elements here by adding them (plus icon above the eye icon) and drag & drop them up or down. The result will always be shown in the preview on the right.
  • Additionally every element has some settings (gear icon) which will provide a wide range of tools to transform your data (e.g. strip whitespaces, add space before or after and so on)

3 Export


If you want to export to JPEG files go to export > filetype and select the preferred filetype from the dropdown.

You can set a static filename in Export > Filetype > “Static filename” field.

With static filenames, every file will get the same name and a counting number will be attached. For example if you define static filename to be “mydatamerge” then files will be named like this:

  • mydatamerge_1
  • mydatamerge_2
  • mydatamerge_3
  • and so on

Please note that static filenames only allow a-z, 0-9, – and _ characters. Other characters will be removed or replaced.


GREP text actions allow you to search and replace specific strings matching custom search patterns with other strings or patterns AFTER the merge process is completed. They are applied to all documents generated.

Go to Export > Extras > GREP text

Here you can activate or deactivate your configured GREP text replacements. To edit them click on the pen icon of each row, to add new ones click on the gear icon in the bottom right. This will take you to the preferences where you can add new actions or delete existing ones (Note: Predefined actions cannot be deleted. They are flagged with [System] at the end of the name):

GREP text actions are stored locally on your machine. Only activated actions will be added to project files.