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Please follow these steps

1 MyDataMerge configuration

Editing image placeholders

To advice MyDataMerge to download images please follow these instructions

  1. Make sure your image placeholder has the right type “Replace with image” [1]
  2. Add a datasource element and select the column with the image URLs [2]
  3. Open the settings (gear icon), and activate “Download image” [3]. You may additionally select a folder where to download the images to

Issues that may arise

  • By default, MyDataMerge checks for file name extensions of images. e.g. “https://www.myserver/path/to/myimage.jpg” -> .jpg – If it doesn’t find any, an error will be thrown. You can disable this behaviour in the preferences > editor > Disable file extension check for downloaded images
  • If images change online, MyDataMerge doesn’t know that. At the first time an image is downloaded, it will be cached and not re-downloaded by default (for a better performance). You can force a download everytime by activating “Force download on each export” in the image settings (check the image above).


2 Export


If you want to export to JPEG files go to export > filetype and select the preferred filetype from the dropdown.

To configure dynamic file names go to Export > Filetype and make sure “One document per record” [1] is activated. Then a button “Filenames setup” [2] appears. Click it to configure your filenames.

If you click the “Filenames setup” button you can then select the filetype to setup custom naming. If you e. g. export to PDF files and keep a copy of your InDesign files you can define both the names for the PDF files and the InDesign files. Double click a row and enable it. Then you can configure it like a placeholder.